

With Rau Pest Solutions, your program will be set up to meet your exact needs. I will cater your service to focus on the pests that most concern you, while covering all the common household pests you may encounter. I will build you a program that will fit into your budget and take care of all those seasonal pests. Monthly, Quarterly or a focus on months with specific pests. Your program will fit your needs.



Everything from food plants to restaurants, warehouses to office buildings, Rau Pest Solutions is here to protect your business. With a focus on pest prevention, I will keep your business free from pests and open for business. I will build you a program that meets your needs without unnecessary cost or worry for you.


Rodent Management

Rats and Mice can breed quickly and cause damage to your home or business. Urine from rodents can cause strong odors and ruin numerous food product and household items causing you great costs. Let Rau Pest Solutions protect your home and business from rodents and the problems they cause.


Web Removal

Cobwebs can be an unsanitary and unsightly side effect to the world we live in. Let your employees focus on their jobs and let Rau Pest Solutions take care of the webs.  Getting ready for an audit or just sprucing the place up for your customers and employees, web removal can make a dingy environment feel more like home and improve employee morale.


Wildlife Control

It can be neat to see wild animals out in nature, but sometimes nature gets a little too close to home. Let Rau Pest Solutions remove those unwanted guests and take them to a better place.